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Advent Ember Day 3

Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy.

"Gratitude, not penance, should be the dominant Ember spirit. Wednesday of Ember week is dedicated to Mary, it is a day of interior recollection. Friday is devoted to penance, while Saturday focuses on Thanksgiving."
From Pius Parsch Vol. III pp 226

The Advent Ember Days start on the first Wednesday after December 13th, the feast of St Lucy.

A day of fasting and partial abstinence. Give thanks for the olives that make holy oils for Unction.

Prayers for Ember Days can be found here & here. More information about Ember Days can be found in Latest News here.


Saint Lucy, you grew deep in faith at a young age, committed yourself to your God, and never turned back.

Please pray for me, that I will have your strength, wisdom, and charity so that I will unwaveringly fulfil the will of God, choosing Him above all else. Saint Lucy, pray for me.

Jesus, I trust in You.

19 December

Advent Ember Day 2

20 December

Faith & Pizza Forum - December ‘25