Mass Intentions
What is a Mass Intention?
A Mass can be offered up for someone, or something.
As we all can offer up our prayers, sacrificial acts, personal sufferings, trials, and good deeds for a particular intention, so too with the Mass.
To have a Mass offered, fill out the Mass Intention Request Form below and send the money for the stipend, separately, to the Parish Office.
Your Mass will be listed on page 1 of the newsletter on the week it will be said, showing which Church it will be said at.
A Mass can be offered for an intention, such as:
that the dead may rest in peace
for the blessing of the living
for the healing of the sick
for the calling back of the lapsed and lost
for the liberation of the enslaved or addicted
for the protection against evil of:
our loved ones
our fellow parishioners
our priests
Request a Mass Intention
If you would like your intention to be offered up at a Mass, please fill out the form below, and enclose your offering with a slip of paper with your name on it & the name of the person/intention.
Clearly mark your envelope “Mass Intentions” and place it in the collection basket at Mass, or through the door of either presbytery.
Specific Date Requests
All Masses asked for will be offered as soon as possible, but to avoid disappointment, please request a specific date as early as possible.
Mass Calendar
The Mass Calendar is full until mid-September.
Please give at least six months’ notice for any specific date requests.