Contact Details
Contact details for each of the Sacraments can be found on the relevant Sacrament page,
shown in the drop-down menu under Sacraments.
Parish Office
The Admin Team in the Parish Office is mostly working from home at present.
The Parish Office can be contacted by texting 07927 650264, or by using the Contact Us form below.
Office Hours
The working hours for the Admin Team are Monday - Friday: 9 am to 12 noon.
If contacting outside of the times above, you can text or leave a voicemail on 07927 650264 and someone will get back to you during office hours.
Alternatively, please use the Contact Us form below or email ParishAdmin@diginet2.co.uk
If you notice any Maintenance issues, at either of the churches or presbyteries, please contact the Maintenance team.
The Maintenance Team can be contacted by telephoning 07961 500350.
Alternatively, you can use the Contact Us form via the Parish Office and select ‘Maintenance’ from the drop-down subject.
Going into Hospital
Please contact Fr Bernard to arrange the Sacrament of the Sick before going into hospital.
If you are in Milton Keynes Hospital and wish to receive Holy Communion on Sundays or to receive the Sacrament of the Sick, please call the Chaplaincy on 01908 996061 and ask them to contact the Roman Catholic Chaplain.
Further information on the Chaplaincy in Milton Keynes can be found by clicking on the button below.
St Vincent de Paul Society
If you require help or assistance, we will do all that we can to help you.
All you need to do is call your Parish St Vincent de Paul contact on 07873 352672.
If you cannot speak to anyone, it is quite probable that at the time of calling, we are at work so please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary supports our Parish with local involvement by:
Visiting the sick and those who are housebound
Visiting recently baptised and First Communicants
Visiting prisoners and those in hospitals
and being the outreaching hands of our Eucharistic Community.
The Legion of Mary exists for the glory of God through the holiness of members developed by prayer, active co-operation with Mary, and local involvement with supporting our Parish.
Please reach out if you would like any more information. You can telephone using either of the following numbers:
Mobile: 07415 996191 or Landline: 01908 313610