Website Links
The below is a list of website links that we think you might be interested in.
We have no control or responsibility for any content or opinions found on these sites.
Ascension Press
Whether you’re just starting out on your faith journey or well along the road, Ascension Press has something for you “because we have been there, too”.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church’s presentation of her Doctrine, available on the Vatican website, which contains other Church documents.
Catholic Evangelisation Service
A site dedicated to presenting the Catholic Church’s Teaching and Life. It also offers DVDs and courses designed for parish formation.
Social Doctrine of the Church
This deals with the Church's teaching on man being called to social justice and peace.
Magis Center
The Magis Center provides a comprehensive and rational response to today’s “secular myths”. In Latin, ‘magis’ means “more.” In some contexts, it can mean “the even more,” the furthest frontier: frontiers of reason, knowledge, the universe, and reality itself.
St Paul Center for Biblical Theology
A site dedicated to the writings of Dr. Scott Hahn with online courses on the scriptures and on the scriptures with regards to the Sacraments and Traditions of the Catholic Church.
Word on Fire
Fr Robert Barron gives homilies, talks and courses on the Catholic faith which cover Sunday readings, topical issues and give a profound journey through history of Catholicism.
Bible in a Year
Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Bible in 365 episodes in the Bible in a Year podcast, showing how all the pieces fit together to tell an amazing story.
Catholic Culture
A site dedicated to information and comment on Catholic liturgy, traditions, doctrines, saints and a Liturgical Calendar.
Catholics Come Home
People who have taken the time to explore this site are surprised to find out that there is much more to Catholicism than they ever realized.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Their mission is to help Catholics to understand, live, and also to share their faith.
Peter Kreeft Website
An important and highly entertaining but serious professor of philosophy at Boston College. Peter Kreeft has both audio and written material on the philosophical grounds for the Catholic Faith using St Thomas Aquinas, G K Chesterton and C S Lewis.
St Mary Magdalene School
This is our local primary and Junior school.
“Growing together in Faith and Love”
School Mission Statement