From the pen of Fr. Bernard
The Genocide of Christians and ancient communities in Syria
Genocide in Syria of ancient Christian communities and ancient peoples.
Remember, Remember, Remember - it’s November!
Given that this is the beginning of the month of November and all around us for the next few days fireworks will be let off to the chant of ‘Remember remember the 5th of November’, I want to say “Remember, remember the month of November..for it is the month of the Holy Souls.”
How many traditions, surrounding Holy Matrimony, have faded into grey?
A three tier wedding cake is a rare sight these days. But I recall looking at a photo, a black and white photo, of my father and mother on their wedding day, cutting the wedding cake; and it was a white three tier wedding cake. Recently I asked my mother why a three tier wedding cake?
From the what to the why: the war between isms!
Harken to the conversations held among the Common people who complain of their lot. Though oft it has been the case that such conversations were heard in ancient times but now they are to be heard up and down the country in places of food and drink where family, friends and strangers still do meet.
The Times Are A Changing; But By WHOM Are They Changing?
Recent events, be it the attack on the Last Supper in Paris at the Olympics or the protests and riots in the cities and towns of England, they have a feel to them that suggests we are all being played!
Our Lady, the Mystics and Apocalypse 6 - is the Church coming into a long winter?
As the bad weather continues and heavy rains fall upon us in a very unnatural manner, we pause to look up and wonder at the strange formations in our skies.
Lent is grace under pressure: making coal into a diamond
C S Lewis once said that many today speak of Evolution and ask what is the next step of evolution for Man? But evolution could become devolution. But it could also be a step where we are put into metamorphises of grace under pressure just as coal can be put under fiery pressure and become a diamond!
Prophecy is alive and kicking in the Church!
All of us who have been baptised are given an indellible mark or a permanent character which makes us a royal people, a priestly people and a prophetic people. But are we really?
Time is running out for those who live in boxes
In many ways people…live in boxes, move around in boxes, listen to boxes, watch boxes, think in political boxes and all trying to pretend that the day when they will be buried in a box is far far far away! But time is ebbing away for the world of boxes!
Christmas - A day for all the world to gaze in wonder
What would winter or our childhood have been like, without Christmas? Christmas is a word the Catholic church has given to the world and with this word comes the deepest mystery and the deepest joy!
Fake news, misinformation and disinformation: are we being prepared for The Great Deception?
You might have noticed that there is a War on Truth today. Governments and Mass Media are seeking to be the Truth Seers, the Truth Speakers and the Truth Guardians for all of mankind based on them saying to us: ‘You can’t trust anyone, but you can trust us!’
The Angelus - a better beginning
The Angelus is a mystery and an icon that reveals to us the beauty and the chivalry of grace that flows between a pure spirit - Gabriel - and a pure embodied spirit -Mary!
A real Apocalypse will come; but it won’t be Green!
A new call has arisen. It is championed by devotees and zealots of what seems to be a new religion who say we need to save the planet. But if you ask, to save the planet from what? Apparently, we need to save it from human beings!
Rites restrain us from an excess of personality
If Humility is the ground of all the virtues then rituals are designed to ground us in the objectivity of someone greater than ourselves, in whose presence we stand.
Remember, remember…the souls in November!
As a priest during this season of November I often feel that I am on a watchtower in the vineyard of the Lord, spying out the Last Things that seem to be coming over the horizon and calling to the people that winter is coming. November…reflects the autumn season…Autumn gives a feeling of end times and a reminder of our mortality.
Into the Vineyard
For many years I have pondered the question, what is a parish? But the key is found in the Lord’s parables of the Vineyard for he is the Vine and we are the Branches. But are we?
Transfiguration V Transhumanism
God fearing human beings are discovering that a new secular world and a new secular order is being set up by intelligences, human and other, gradually, collectively and step by step and piece by piece.
Resurrection of Sacred Tradition
In the 70s many threw out the elements that made up what Catholics called Sacred Tradition in the name of Modernising the Church or in the name of going back to biblical roots! The result has been the desertification of the Catholic landscape. It is time for a change!
From Pentecost through the Blessed Trinity to Corpus Christi
The Life of the Church is the Life of God, the Holy Trinity, and the life of God is given to us as food and drink in the Holy Eucharist for the Eucharist makes the Church and the Church makes the Eucharist and thus the Eucharistic Community makes us fit for Heaven for the Eucharist is the seed of the Resurrection!
From the Ascension to Pentecost: the 2 towers
Eastertide reaches it’s climax with two mysteries that both lift up our eyes to the skies and draw down from the heavens the fire that will light up the earth: Ascension and Pentecost. Together these two mysteries fulfill the meaning of Jacob’s ladder [Genesis 28:10-28] for now we can ascend with Christ the King and the fire of heaven can descend upon all who dwell upon the earth. But as always the fallen world ruled by its dark winged princes have sought to ape this by building two towers.