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Blessing of Throats

  • St Mary Magdalene 105 High Street Stony Stratford United Kingdom (map)

The Feast of St. Blaise, a physician who later became a bishop and died for the faith in 316 AD, will be observed on Monday, February 3, 2025. His feast is commemorated with the Blessing of the Throats

In honour of St. Blaise, the Blessing of Throats will occur during Mass. This is an ancient custom of the Church to bless the sick, rooted in the ministry of Christ and his apostles.

St. Blaise is often pictured with crossed candles which are still used to bless the throats of the faithful on the Feast of St. Blaise today.  

The annual blessing of throats is a traditional sign of the struggle against illness in the Christian life. The blessing is ordinarily given during Mass or a celebration of the Word of God on February 3, the memorial of St. Blaise, following Candlemas, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord.

While throat ailments are the main thing for which St. Blaise is invoked in the West, he is also considered a protector against wild animals, a protector of cities, and a patron of veterinarians, wool-combers, and the wool industry.

Father of mercy and God of all consolation, graciously look upon me and impart to me the blessing which flows from this holy Sacrament.
— Prayer of St. Blaise
2 February


3 February

Blessing of Throats