Dreams as Prophecies

Dr dear Dr: Is it true that some charismatic Christians hallucinate medically when seeing things or must we leave room for spiritual sighting?

Joseph: He had to convince himself to trust in the dream of a very vivid nature in which an angel appeared during his dream and asked him to vacate the country, go into exile with his wife and child, and spend a good few years in Egypt. But what would happen nowadays to a Joseph, does one think? He might be asked to apologise to the viewers, for taking his wife on a long journey, apologise for not trusting his darling king, apologize for not being kind to others, apologize for running errands for angels, Or:

Medicaid States would pull him aside;

They might declare him paranoid and schizoid;

They might ask him to sit over here on a couch with a nice therapist;

They might ask him to take the medication suggested for an over-active brain;

They might ask him to spend some time away from work in the shop to ponder;

They might eventually put him in a lunatic asylum for the unstable and credulous;

In sum, they might declare him, mad, sad, or bad - take your pick.

So some apostles and prophets of the new era would have to think carefully about trusting their dreams, even the very supernatural ones, in a vast medicare establishment bolstered by the billions of government - Joseph would have been intercepted on the border in this era and asked to show his prescription script. Shocking but maybe not a million miles from the present-day formalities. So we should yep keep a record of our dreams, but do be prudent about releasing them to strangers. Ponderous times, empirical times, basic times - in which the religious supernatural existential is reduced to a brain enzyme. In which homo empiricus takes over.



